Saturday, May 1, 2010

Mothers' day..

Mothers' Day is coming up. That's pretty much all I have to say about that. I don't really know how to even put into words how I'm feeling right now. I'm nervous that I won't be recognized. I know that's not true... but I can't help being worried about it. I can't stop thinking about how last Mothers' day was just a few days after we found out that I was pregnant, and we hadn't told anyone yet. I told Kurt not to get me anything, because we would have so many years of Mothers' days to celebrate. I know that this year, he would have picked out something ridiculous and said that it was from Livie. I know for sure that he'll get me something this year, but it won't be the same.

Basically, It's just not fair.

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Meredith said...

Right there with ya, sweetie. I think I might boycott that day... with the exception of celebrating my mom.

Luv ya,

Mar Biggs said...

I pray for you every night. I cannot fathom how you are feeling, but know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers.

Amanda said...

I'm with you too. I plan to lay by the pool alone most of the day. My mom is working, so I will take her lunch, but no big family thing, which I am happy about.

Becky said...

Right there with you, too! I am trying not to dread Mother's Day, my first one as a mother and first without the boys. But I will just be glad when it's over.

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